Sunday, February 20, 2011

Taylor Love

Taylor in 2007 fighting her first fight with neuroblastoma.
 Taylor in remission with neuroblastoma.
Taylor right before she was diagnosed with MDS.
Taylor in the hospital for her bone marrow transplant.

Taylor the night they found out she relapsed with neuroblastoma. She still has a smile!

If the first day of this month wasn't enough,
Another one of the kids that have touched my heart so much has relapsed.
This is Taylor Love.
Taylor is 5 years old.
Here is her story.
Taylor Nicole Love was born June 27, 2005. Around Christmas of 2006, her parents noticed an apparent lazy eye. They took to Taylor to her pediatrician who referred them to an ophthalmologist which led to the devastating news. On December 12, 2006, Taylor was diagnosed with stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma. She had a tumor in her left adrenal gland, a tumor behind each eye, and disease in his bone marrow. Taylor underwent 7 rounds of chemotherapy, a surgery to remove the tumor in her abdomen and a stem cell harvest. She completed 4 rounds of a phase I clinical trial which included immunotherapy treatment and IV radiation. She had radiation to her head, orbits, and abdomen. She also underwent a phase II antibody trial.
Taylor went into remission with neuroblastoma.
In June of 2010, Taylor was diagnosed with MDS. MDS is a form of chemo-induced leukemia. She underwent a bone marrow transplant in August of 2010. Taylor was again cancer free!
Taylor started school after being out of it almost her whole life in January. On February 17, 2011, they found out a few neuroblastoma cells had been discovered in one of her 4 bone marrow biopsy samples. Taylor is now in the fight for her life... again. This is the third time she will fight this evil thing called cancer.

After Kate relapsed February 1, I didn't think it could get worse.
But it has.
Not one
But TWO!
Of the kids that changed my life so much
Has relapsed 16 days between each other.
The main kids that have touched my heart are
Ellie Potvin
 Layla Marsh

Kate McRae

McKenna Maiorana
Taylor Love
Daisy Merrick.
And I would say in that order.
Those girls were the first stories I started following.
 Ellie and Layla are dead.
Kate and Taylor just relapsed.
McKenna is fighting it now. She's almost done.
And Daisy just finished chemotherapy for relapse.
6 girls with different types of cancer in different stages of treatment.
They all have one thing in common.
They've stolen my heart.
They were the first.
That makes them a little more special than most.
Even though I love all the kids I follow with all my heart.
Please pray for Taylor as she has relapsed after almost 3 years of remission with neuroblastoma. Please pray they find the right treatment for her. Please pray the relapse is only in her bone marrow and has not spread. Please pray for Taylor's parents and her brothers, too.

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