Friday, February 11, 2011

Wednesday, February 17, 2010- That's the day this little girl came into my life and touched my heart forever.
Her name is Kate McRae.
She had just turned 6 at the time.
I remember it like yesterday.
Kate was going through a very difficult stage of her treatment.
She was going through her stem cell transplant.
This treatment alone could have killed her.
She had already been through 5 rounds of chemotherapy.
I watched her counts recover as her cells she received back started working.
I watched her be sent home from the hospital the first time in a long time.
I saw her start brain radiation.
I saw her finished brain radiation.
I watched her go on a trip of a life time.
She went on her Make-A-Wish trip to Disney World.
I watched her go through her first MRI off treatment.
It was inconclusive.
I watched her go through a PET scan one month later.
It showed she was CANCER FREE!
I watched her go through her next MRI.
It was inconclusive once more.
I watched her family live one day at a time.
The wait killed me as much as it did her parents.
I watched her go through her 7th birthday.
Celebrating another year of life.
I watched her once again go for a MRI.
This time was different.
New spots were found.
My heart was broken.
I fasted for her the day before her PET scan.
I watched go through the scan.
This time, was also different.
Preliminary results were positive for cancer.
Results were positive for cancer.
Kate had relapsed after 8 months of remission.
This has been a hard 2 weeks. I never thought I would have to type those last words. I have prayed for her since the day she came into my life.  I've asked more times than I can count for God to heal Kate's little body here on Earth. Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors are so rare. Very little treatment options are available especially when relapsed. As February 17, 2011 approaches, I think back to Kate a year ago. A year ago, she was fighting for her life. This year, so much has changed. The only bad thing this year is, Kate is in the fight of her life again. But there are things that will always stay the same. Kate's smile; her fighting spirit; her infectious laugh; her beautiful, sky blue eyes; her child like faith; her love for family and everyone that loves and prays for her everyday; and her love for Jesus. I pray no matter where Kate goes in life, she always knows that God is with her.

Kate has touched my heart deeply. I hate to look at the road she now faces before her. I hate to think about the chances of her getting in remission again. Today... I've decided to live for today. I'm going to stop thinking about down the road what will happen with Kate. I will cherish the smiles she has. The life that she represents today. If I get a lifetime of smiles with Kate, I will cherish them as they come. But today, I refuse to let the future scare me and take away Kate's precious life.

Prayer specifics for Kate
  • Complete healing of Kate's body on Earth
  • Peace for Kate, her parents, her brother, and her sister
  • Wisdom for the doctors or anyone that comes in contact with Kate
  • To find the best treatment option
  • For Kate to touch as much lives as she can
  • For Kate to bring people closer to Jesus
Please pray for this precious child.
We love you, Kate!

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