Thursday, March 3, 2011

Joseph "Joe" Brady Hill

Today was definitely harder than yesterday. We may have lost Joe yesterday, but it is so much harder seeing his friends cry and everything. I have friends from Dan River at dance. On of my best friends was best friends with Joe. She was at dance tonight. We talked about him the whole two hours. I just wanna say this... Some people need to have some respect. This other girl in our dance class was not very respectful and it made us kind of mad. We were talking about Joe and everything and this other girl came up and said, "Well, we have Tyler at our school." It shouldn't matter how many kids died at your school! That's not something I want to say about my friends being dead! It's not something to be proud if you have more dead kids! Joe died from cancer, Tyler from a car accident. They were two different people! Don't compare them! I doubt they even knew each other! Tyler was brain dead for 4 hours before he was taken off life support, Joe had been battling cancer for 7 months! Two boys with completely different stories! It shouldn't matter which school has more dead students! I wish neither one of them had died but you don't always get what you wish for. Please don't compare two people that have nothing to do with each other. It would have been different if she had said, "We know how you feel because we lost Tyler," and everything but, she said it in this snooty tone and I didn't like it. I didn't even know Joe but I will stand up for what is right.

Sorry, but I had to get that out. It made me furious. It just doesn't make since why someone would do that.

I've seen many kids die from cancer. I don't compare any of them. Every kid is different and has a different story. It's not right to think of them as the same because they aren't on this Earth anymore.

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